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Our Vision is centered on delivering long-term solutions that will empower At Risk Youths, and underdeveloped communities with sustainable knowledge for achieving self-sufficiency.

Our goal is to challenge individuals to achieve their greatest potential by working with them to develop the skills needed to become leaders in society and contributors to their local communities.

We have partner with faith leaders and community-based group leaders and other nonprofit organization leaders in indigenous communities to reach out to the underserved and underprivileged members of these communities. We have built trust and loyalty with the people in the communities we have served all these years.

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Our mandate is to empower individuals in rural communities around the Nations of the World to become more self-reliant by:

  • Assisting Individuals and Communities to build Sustainable Livelihoods.

  • Promote Quality Education and Lifelong Learning Opportunities for all.

  • End Hunger, Achieve Food Security and Improve Nutrition and promote Sustainable Agriculture.

  • Educate, inspire and motivate people to do well spiritually, physically and economically for their families, their communities and themselves.

  • Strengthening their skills and resources so they can maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle and raise strong families.

  • Collaborating with communities, government agencies, business and other non-profits to remove external obstacles that could interfere with the sustainability of individual and community initiatives, by providing key infrastructure, improving access to markets and capital, and improving local value chains.

  • Partnering with local, regional, national, and international organizations, churches, pastors and community leaders, government officials, corporations, professional, training facilities and institutions to strengthen and fortify the lives of individuals and communities

  • Provide educational training, resources, and materials to disadvantaged communities and villages nationally and internationally; through its outreach programs and through partnership with organizations, government, churches.


Community Development

Community Development

Community Development

Field of Dreams Empowerment Center has been working with and BIPOC and Immigrants Communities since 2013.

Throughout the years we have partner with faith leaders and community-based group leaders and other nonprofit organizations leaders in the BIPOC and Immigrant communities to reach out to the underserved and underprivileged members of these communities.

We have continuous and ongoing dialogue about the needs of the communities. We cry, laugh, and celebrate with them. We celebrate achievements like, graduation from high School, weddings, birthdays, opening of a small business, support the small business opening.


Community Empowerment

Community Empowerment

Mission statement

Field of Dreams Small Business Development is committed to fostering economic growth and innovation by empowering small businesses and marginalized entrepreneurs. Through our comprehensive training programs, advisory services, technical assistance, and strategic alliances with the Small Business Administration, we strive to ignite growth and advancement in both nascent and existing businesses. Our mission is to strengthen management, catalyze innovation, and stimulate productivity by addressing unique challenges and facilitating access to capital and innovative technologies. Guided by our commitment to inclusivity and cultural sensitivity, we prioritize the specific needs of African Immigrants, Black, Hispanic, and disadvantaged community members. Our aim is to build a resilient, inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem that enables every aspiring and existing business owner to thrive and contribute positively to the broader community.